Tuesday, 4 January 2011

I'm Going To Kill Myself

Poem I wrote like two years ago. But the message is still as relevant as ever.
Dying to the flesh daily is a MUST and it's the hardest thing.

I'm going to kill myself.

Yep I'm doin it, no-one can stop me.

But don't worry this aint another piece of emo poetry,

It's an action taken a lot more knowingly,

for those with a lack of knowledge shall perish

and I'm not perishing,

rather grabbbing onto life in its fullness and holding it tight

cos, I've fallen for the light,

the light of the world who stepped out into darkness

here I am to worship You

bowing down at Your feet

with all I have to offer You,

there's always more that I can do

and kill myself, that's what I should do.

Sacrifice myself unto You.

Killing the flesh, that I may have eternal life,

Eternal life with my Heavenly Father,

A day to end all pain and strife,

When there will be neverending laughter.

It's time for my flesh to die.

It's time to say goodbye,

and never look back

For I am now a new creation

Old things have passed away

My new Christlike self is here to stay

It's a brand new day, the sun has risen

Thank You Father

That Your Son, The Christ has risen.

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