Monday, 3 January 2011

And the word of the day is...


Definitely a word with pejorative overtones, it's something I wouldn't ever want to have nor a trait I'd ever want to be linked with. But as a Christian, I feel as though I should steer even further clear of it.

'a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger, defect, or the like;
self-satisfaction or smug satisfaction with an existing situation, condition, etc.'

By all means, one should feel secure in Christ, in the knowledge that His grace has got you and won't ever fail you, that He'll never leave you nor forsake you, but you can't sit back, get comfortable and let God 'do His thing.' It's not about taking grace for granted either, which I think is one of the essences of complacency - holding things for granted. And the danger, looking at it secularly, is losing the thing which you've gained. So in a Christian sense, I guess, sinning against God unknowingly and living a lie?

The thing which really gets me about this word, or its definition rather, is the idea of 'self-satisfaction.' Complete audacity in my opinion, to be self-satisfied in the fact that you are saved, like say you saved yourself. Sorry, sit down and flick to Romans 3:23. (I really am talking to myself as well here)

Too many people treat God like a genie, claiming outrageous things in His name and praying for material things, for themselves. I'm not writing off the fact that people can be blessed by God, and part of living is having material things, but that really cannot be your focus in life, and certainly not your focus in your prayer life.

The idea that we can become smug in our salvation genuinely disgusts me. It just shows me again how wretched the heart of man is. How can we forsake the fact that God reached down and stretched out HIS hand to pull US out of the miry clay of sin in which we were mercilessly drowning?

I guess it's also a problem of starting to become proud of yourself for being 'a good Christian'. For saying all the right things, showing your face at all the 'happening' events, tweeting all that you learned in your daily devotion and knowing all the lyrics to all the latest gospel tracks. But as with everything, it's bout the condition of your heart. What's the motive? This also reminds me of the NYE sermon title. Are you serving God for love or for reward? Are we really doing all these things because we genuinely love God or are we doing it for reward - whether they be rewards from God in the form of earthly blessings, good grades, a good job, money; or whether they be rewards from man in the form of approval, praise, an infinite number of followers on Twitter etc. Galatians 1:10.

It's a hard one and I really am talking to myself here but yeah. I rebuke the spirit of complacency amongst believers and pray that we are able to boast only in God, serve Him and only Him with a pure heart, not seeking the approval of man and just living a life of real, honest, sincere worship because that's what God deserves.

Mmm, food for thought.


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