Sunday, 16 January 2011

When we've been here ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun.

The final verse of Amazing Grace, one of the most beautiful hymns ever written.
The lyrics are so powerful, so uplifting and there's so much truth in them.

When I sing this last verse though, it's like my spirit soars.
The concept of eternity is so unbelievably difficult to comprehend, especially for our human minds where every thought we conceive, every plan we make, everything we know is constrained by time.
Then one day. BAM. Eternity. That's like forever and ever and ever.
And all our evers will be spent worshipping the Most High.

New Jerusalem, son. You wouldn't wanna be anywhere else. Seriously.

I can't wait.

Saturday, 15 January 2011


Started writing this over the Christmas and finished it this morning :)
It was really weird actually, the evening when I decided I was gonna write on this concept, I was doing some youtube poetry watching. After watching for like 40 minutes, I clicked on one vid and was like okay, after this one I musttt go and write my poem. And oh the irony, the poem I started watching was based on the same concept as my unborn poem. It was so bizarre.
I went on with the poem anyway, but I'm thinking, unintentionally, it will now have elements of the poem I watched in it. Never mind...
(It's consciously a typical 'im black(and asian) and proud/them and us' kind of poem. My views to an extent but highly exaggerated. Cheeky bit o' feminism in there too. And Christianism? :/ that doesn't exist but you know...)


In some respects, we are nothing but lettering and numbers on various pieces of paper and cards.
From birth certificates to passports to drivers' licenses to the forms we fill in every single time any single things happens.
Same questions.
Name. Date of birth. Gender. Race. Race.
(Although that won't be taken into account at all in the processing of this form)
Please tick the box which applies to you
Tick. The. Box.
Tick. The. Box.
How dare you try to squeeze me and my heritage into one tiny box?
Mixed: white and black.
Mixed: white and asian.
Mixed: other.
Mixed: other. Is that all I can tick to represent what I am?
The rivers that ran riot through the souls of my ancestors cannot and will not be contained by your box
The Gongola river where they washed their clothes and washed their souls and were born anew
Mass gatherings at the Ganges to soak their far from sullenly coloured saris
And give their young freedom to splash and wade as they pleased
Your box cannot and will not define me
The contours of my countries nor those of my corpus do not course in straight, angular lines, they will not fit
In fact, all of your boxes fail in their attempts to imprison me within their categories and subcategories
My female form will not be fettered
The ebbs and flos of she, the bump when life begins inside of me are not lines and right angles, they are curvaceous and round
Like the sun and the moon
Naturally in tune with nature and the natural
In actual fact I refuse to fill your forms and be filed away
Take me at face value
Look at my face and evaluate,
cos when you look into my eyes, you'll see more than could ever be imagined on a piece of paper or an electronic checkbox
Listen to my voice and let the decibles of my laughter ripple through your bones and then you;ll begin to know who. I. am.
Don't need to be packed in boxes and put in storage on the shelves of society, standing idly by as worthless as my ancestors were once said to be. I will be seen AND heard.
Four walls won't suppress me.
I'll jump out of the box, spread my wings and fly
Nothing to hide
Even better I'll soar on the wings of the Most High
And yes, I'm a Christian but that's not to say that I can be defined in a cube of stereotypes
I'm not "happy clappy" or a "bible basher" or "boring" or "restrained by the rules and regulations of my religion."
You need to unfurl the lines of this convenient little box you've put me in and gaze at the cross upon which my Saviour hung, when He personified love and became the sacrifice.
Perfection slain for my sake. And yours.
So take me and yourself out of the box that society has put you in, define yourself in Christ, look at you as you are seen through His eyes, cling to the cross, don't allow this four sided mathematical form to mould you or form you, oppress you or cause you to conform to the ways of this world.
Renew your mind, look to Christ, in Him you'll find peace of mind, while eternity awaits.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Kompelling Kitchen Konversations

Sitting in the kitchen in my halls last night, a most interesting discussion emerged between my friends and I about perceptions of beauty in relation to race; why there is (or why there used to be) so much negativity veered towards being dark-skinned and why girls who are 'lighties' get more attention. We talked about the idea of bleaching, how children are affected by society in terms of what they think about being black, who was to blame, how it could be changed. This group of friends consisted of four extremely intelligent and opinionated black girls so the conversation was...loud

We talked for a while on the stigma created amongst our peers on dark-skinned or girls or boys. Y said that she had always been the darkest of her sisters which was obvious but was never seen as a negative thing, and for this reason she never understood why dark girls didn't feel beautiful. She was mad, as were the others, at girls who would avoid jamming in the sun in summer because they didn't wanna get dark; at girls who would immediately conclude that 'she thinks she's too niceeee' just because she's light-skinned or mixed race; at boys who in their narrow mindedness only churpse 'lighties'. We talked about the diction used when discussing skin colours, 'ohh, you're lucky, your skin is ligghhttt', why was it enviable to be light? 'you're not even that dark though' as if being dark was a bad thing. A key phrase that kept popping up was 'slave mentality'. A still taboo subject. Can this generation of black people really attribute their negative or misconstrued self-image to the way their ancestors were treated during the days of slavery, institutionalized and vicious racism? I can't lie though, my mindset at times genuinely is one of inferiority. I often find myself (as discussed on twitter with jeni) trying to prove myself to white people of the older generation. I'll let them go through the door first, or pick up something they've dropped or apologise when it's in fact them that stepped on my toe. I'll talk loudly on the bus about the good university I go to, and the fact that I play classical piano or that I have a job or that I'm not promiscuous or that I go to church simply so that they don't immediately form their own negative assumptions of me. But why do I assume that that is what they are going to do? And why do I feel I have to show that I'm worthy of their approval? Sounds kinda crazy when put like that, but it is what it is. I'm essentially accepting the negative stereotype that I know is put on black people and it's not cool.

It's only even of recent that white people have wanted to be tanned! Everyone knows that back in the day to be a pale was a sign of wealth and nobility because it meant you weren't doing manual labour outside and getting beaten by the sun.

This then digressed into the mention of bleaching, something which we all find kind of appalling but essentially very sad. It brought to mind Jeni's uni project from last year on skin bleaching ( We thought it madness that the connotations of being pure and wealthy and better came from having fairer skin. Think about some of the product names even... Fair & Lovely. (I haven't forgotten that Dark & Lovely is a household name)

The way in which the media affects our opinions then came up. We talked about how, when growing up, the media in every form was strongly dominated by white people. It's a lot different for children today, there a things like 'The Princess & The Frog', 'Handy Manny' - who has a fresh Latino accent lol. But there's still that ugly sentiment that lingers in the air. E's little sister, who is almost the same complexion as me, wished to be white for her 9th birthday. Apparently that wish got seckled nicely with some good old Nigerian discipline lol. A little girl in my church who is being brought up in a very affluent, white area and goes to a school where she's surrounded solely by white girls and boys, told me once that she wanted to be white...(I then proceeded to tell her that being black was beautiful of course)

Thinking back to my childhood, I wonder what kind of thoughts went through my mind. I lived in quite a working-class white area, I went to a predominantly white private school and my church was mostly 1st generation africans or west indians studying for qualifications while holding down a job. One crazy mixed-up up bringing. I guess I could never really pin one stereotype to one group having visited the humble, 2-bed houses of my neighbours and the splendid mansions (literally) of my classmates.

E then told us about a social experiment she'd once heard of where young children had two dolls in front of them and when given characteristics, had to pin them to either the white doll or the black doll. The black doll was coined as stupid, bad and poor, and the white the opposite.
Here's a link to an article on a similar social experiment...

(Interesting how the majority of my searches show sites from America)

Been doing some research on the topic this morning and came across a social experiement called Brown Eyes/Blue Eyes conducted by an elementary school teacher from Iowa in 1968. She split up her class between the blue eyed and the brown eyed, told the blue eyed that they were superior, and they were treated as such, given a longer breaktime and other privileges...the brown eyed were told they were inferior, ostracized and made to wear collars. The result? The brown eyed pupils became hostile and performed poorer on tests. When she reversed the experiment, roles quickly reversed in turn however the brown eyed students felt more sympathy for their peers having already experienced discrimination.

Whose fault is all this anyway? Can we still blame it on the accepted and ubiquitous racism that has existed up until very recently? Is it the wrong doing of the media? Is it our teachers, our parents, ourselves? Difficult to tell.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

I'm Going To Kill Myself

Poem I wrote like two years ago. But the message is still as relevant as ever.
Dying to the flesh daily is a MUST and it's the hardest thing.

I'm going to kill myself.

Yep I'm doin it, no-one can stop me.

But don't worry this aint another piece of emo poetry,

It's an action taken a lot more knowingly,

for those with a lack of knowledge shall perish

and I'm not perishing,

rather grabbbing onto life in its fullness and holding it tight

cos, I've fallen for the light,

the light of the world who stepped out into darkness

here I am to worship You

bowing down at Your feet

with all I have to offer You,

there's always more that I can do

and kill myself, that's what I should do.

Sacrifice myself unto You.

Killing the flesh, that I may have eternal life,

Eternal life with my Heavenly Father,

A day to end all pain and strife,

When there will be neverending laughter.

It's time for my flesh to die.

It's time to say goodbye,

and never look back

For I am now a new creation

Old things have passed away

My new Christlike self is here to stay

It's a brand new day, the sun has risen

Thank You Father

That Your Son, The Christ has risen.

Monday, 3 January 2011

And the word of the day is...


Definitely a word with pejorative overtones, it's something I wouldn't ever want to have nor a trait I'd ever want to be linked with. But as a Christian, I feel as though I should steer even further clear of it.

'a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger, defect, or the like;
self-satisfaction or smug satisfaction with an existing situation, condition, etc.'

By all means, one should feel secure in Christ, in the knowledge that His grace has got you and won't ever fail you, that He'll never leave you nor forsake you, but you can't sit back, get comfortable and let God 'do His thing.' It's not about taking grace for granted either, which I think is one of the essences of complacency - holding things for granted. And the danger, looking at it secularly, is losing the thing which you've gained. So in a Christian sense, I guess, sinning against God unknowingly and living a lie?

The thing which really gets me about this word, or its definition rather, is the idea of 'self-satisfaction.' Complete audacity in my opinion, to be self-satisfied in the fact that you are saved, like say you saved yourself. Sorry, sit down and flick to Romans 3:23. (I really am talking to myself as well here)

Too many people treat God like a genie, claiming outrageous things in His name and praying for material things, for themselves. I'm not writing off the fact that people can be blessed by God, and part of living is having material things, but that really cannot be your focus in life, and certainly not your focus in your prayer life.

The idea that we can become smug in our salvation genuinely disgusts me. It just shows me again how wretched the heart of man is. How can we forsake the fact that God reached down and stretched out HIS hand to pull US out of the miry clay of sin in which we were mercilessly drowning?

I guess it's also a problem of starting to become proud of yourself for being 'a good Christian'. For saying all the right things, showing your face at all the 'happening' events, tweeting all that you learned in your daily devotion and knowing all the lyrics to all the latest gospel tracks. But as with everything, it's bout the condition of your heart. What's the motive? This also reminds me of the NYE sermon title. Are you serving God for love or for reward? Are we really doing all these things because we genuinely love God or are we doing it for reward - whether they be rewards from God in the form of earthly blessings, good grades, a good job, money; or whether they be rewards from man in the form of approval, praise, an infinite number of followers on Twitter etc. Galatians 1:10.

It's a hard one and I really am talking to myself here but yeah. I rebuke the spirit of complacency amongst believers and pray that we are able to boast only in God, serve Him and only Him with a pure heart, not seeking the approval of man and just living a life of real, honest, sincere worship because that's what God deserves.

Mmm, food for thought.


Saturday, 1 January 2011

Let's Get the Globule Gyrating

Haha, really is my friend.

Hier ist einen Poem...I remember writing this on the night I said that I wasn't gonna watch 'The Grudge 2 (Japanese version)' with the amigos cos it didn't sit well with me. It dawned on me that my refusal to watch the movie and my refusal to ever 'go out' would cause them to think that I was on some 'holier than thou' tip and was judging them, when really it's not like that at all. So this was the product of this thought.

Titled with the date on which I wrote it.


I'm not saying that I'm better than you
Or more holy than you
Or more worthy of God's loving arms than you
In fact I wish you heard me screaming the complete opposite at the top of my lungs
I just want you to know that I'm not looking down on you, no not at all
For when I'm flat on my face, prostrate on the floor in humble worship of the God who's done above and beyond what I deserve from Him,
The only place I can look is up.
I'm trying so hard to become the person God wants me to be
The kind of person who doesn't conform to the world
But is transformed
And maybe that comes across as stubbornness
But trust me,
My thoughts are more of a mess
Than yours
It's a process
And for me
I must outrightly resist the things that my flesh desires
Finds appealing
The things with which it conspires
To orchestrate my downfall
Sexual tension tighter than violin strings
The deep bellow of the cello echoes my deep thoughts of things
My failure to surrender my everything to God requires more attention than the rave or the club
I'm not being super spiritual when I say I don't feel right about engaging in certain activities
I just don't want to voluntarily immerse my soul into captivity
And no, I'm not boring
And yes, I'm flawed and
Sometimes I'm wrong
And I've nowhere near worked it all out
But yes, loudly I will shout
just trying to live my life right.


I've just moved over here from my top secret blog so let's start over.
Allow me to introduce myself...

Sarah, 18, Londoner.
Christian as a lifestyle choice not a tick box religion. Got serious love for the Lord.
First entered the blogging world because of a friend who had started a blog, but would only let me read it if I started my own.
I write poetry, and I'm starting to write short stories.
I sing, play the piano and guitar and I write songs.
I love the theatre, and will soon say the same thing about the ballet (Swan Lake, March 24th. Yes).
This blog title is inaccurate as I'm technically not black...I have a Malaysian mother and a Nigerian father. Ergo mixed-race. And I loveee it.
I'm currently in my first year at the best university ever.
And I like food.

In this blog, I intend to share everything. I'll post my poems and stories up here, maybe a few songs if I'm feeling particularly wild;) I'll also write about things which interest me, sadden me, make me happy, general thoughts about life and I'll probably always find a way to link it to God. There will be posts about facets of Christianity, controversial topics, general words of encouragement.

Basically, it'll just be little tidbits of my mind metamorphosed into html coding for your reading pleasure. It's gonna be beautiful. Just sit back and relax :)


This is Planet Earth, The Year is 2011...

Just home from celebrating the cross-over from 2010 into 2011 at church, same way I did last year, and the year before and every year back to 1992 meets 1993. It's such a beautiful way to enter a new phase in life.

And though it's but a change in date, merely a recommencing of the glorious Gregorian calendar, psychologically, and I think spiritually, it's so much more.

A new year brings new opportunities, a new wave of hardships and a new age at some point in the year, and so new year's eve is a good chance to come together with God on things that will happen in the year. New year is the perfect moment to embrace a new outlook and a new attitude, ready to be nurtured over the course of the year.

Celebrating at church is actually the motive. Starting the year with God, dedicating it to Him from the very second it begins is something special. I guess it's one's way of saying, 'here God, take control.' And that's really the only way that, as Christians, we should be living, letting God's will be done in our lives on a daily basis and giving everything to Him.

Two hours into twenty-eleven and I'm pumped! No idea what this next 365 days is gonna bring but I fully cannot wait. I'll be 19 in four months :O I'm hoping to do some big things pertaining to music and writing. I'm gonna study super hard - well I say this but it's never been in my nature to do so, so I'll have to try really hard on that -. Most importantly, I intend to put God first in everything. And also just enjoy Him! Bout to get to know Jesus like a lover this year, it's gonna be wild. So excited. Psalm 34:8. I sincerely pray that these things come to pass, it's not about saying bare stuff and then doing nothing. Faith without works is dead, but it's only by the grace of God init. Just pray above all that His will be done and it's all goooood.

Looking forward to documenting the goings on of 2011 on this here blog too.

But for now sleep calls.
