Friday, 8 April 2011


This blog is titled Confessions of an Anomalous Black Girl, so it only makes sense that I make some confessions...

1. When I see Tick R on BBM and have received no reply, I get kinda ticked off, but I never say anything because I think it'll make me come across as anal. And it kind of is anal. (I don't like the word anal but I can't think of a synonym)

2. I could count on one hand (and probs a few on the other too) the people with whom I truly enjoy spending real life time and with whom I am truly myself.

3. I think in tweets. When something happens, in my mind it automatically forms into a 140 or less character sentence. 'My name is Sarah, and I'm a tweetaholic.'

4. There was one period of time in my life when I super badly wanted to be in with the popular kids. I invited like the Queen Bee for a sleepover at mine, and she came. It was the best day of my life. I was in year 6.*

5. On occasion, I still take mirror pics.

6. I don't bite my nails and never have, but in an awkward situation it suddenly becomes 'a really bad habit that I'm trying to break.'

7. If I was to ever get plastic surgery, I'd get lipo and smaller feet. Maybe I'd just get rid of my feet altogether and get whatever new replacement for feet they come up with in the future. God forbid. Haha.

8. If I was to ever get a tattoo, I think I'd get LOVE on the inside of my left wrist. In reality, I'll probably just carry on self-inking. I like the fact that I can have different fonts depending on my mood and that it comes off when I want it too.

9a. I get annoyed with girls who have really nicely done, could-actually-be-their-own-hair weaves.
b. I get annoyed with (some) girls who have weave and refer to it as 'my hair'. We all know that you bought it so it is yours, but we all also know that you know that some people will believe it's your real hair, and that's secretly what you want.
c. I get annoyed with people who think that my hair is a weave. Or that I have tracks.**

10. I trust too easily and give people the benefit of the doubt too often. Not sure whether that's good or bad.

11. I let people get away with hurting me because I don't like conflict, and I don't think they'll value my feelings anyway. Or that they'll have a valid reason/point, and I'll just look like a mug.

12. Getting chirpsed used to make me feel good cos I thought it meant I was a certified hottie. Thank God I know now that the requirements for getting chirpsed on the good old streets of London are merely that you are a walking, talking female.

13. I care about what people think of me.

14. My laugh is not fake or exaggerated. It really is that loud. And I quite like it. Slash sometimes I wish it was a bit more...girlie, cute.

15. I can't cut in straight lines. It's something I've struggled with my whole life and it's been really difficult.

*My friends and I had divided the year into various different categories. We were the Cool Kids, there were the Weirdos, one I don't remember and thenn the Popular Kids. We decided though, that the popular kids weren't actually popular because no-one wanted to be their friends. Secretly, it was us who were most popular. Ha. I laugh on my own lapel.

**Yes, I am aware that something's not right about all of that. It's super bitchy of me. I really want to not have a problem with weave. I'm in prayer on it. Join me in said prayer, please. Ultra serious.

Well, 15 is a nice round number and I'm super tired so let's call it a day.
This was fun. I might do it again in like a month.


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